Affiliate Program Agreement - OYOapp

Affiliate Program Agreement

                                                                                                                                    Affiliate Program Agreement 


1.1 “Affiliate” means an individual or business entity that is legally bound by this Agreement to promote OYOapp products or services and direct potential customers or clients to the to create a web account to generate sales “creation of new Business Owner accounts”. 

1.2 “Qualified Sale” means a sale of a Business Owner account to a customer referred by the Affiliate, where the customer has paid in full for the products or services and such sale has been confirmed by OYOapp. 

1.3 “Affiliate Commission” means the monetary compensation that OYOapp pays to the Affiliate for each Qualified Sale. 

1.4 “Affiliate Discount Code” refers to the unique tracking code provided by OYOapp to the Affiliate for the purposes of tracking referrals and calculating Affiliate Commissions. The Affiliate “if accepted into the OYOapp Affiliate Program” will have a confirmed affiliate discount code that can be used to direct customers or clients to


2.1 Affiliate Duties: The Affiliate agrees to perform the following duties: 

  • Affiliate agrees to promote OYOapp’s products or services using the Affiliate code in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations; 
  • Affiliate Partner agrees not to make any false or misleading statements about OYOapp’s products or services; 
  • Affiliate Partner agrees to use the Affiliate code in a manner that does not negatively impact OYOapp’s reputation or brand image; and  
  • Affiliate is solely responsible for any expenses incurred in connection with the promotion of OYOapp’s products or services and the use of the Affiliate code. 

2.2 OYOapp’s Duties: OYOapp agrees to perform the following duties: 

  • For Affiliates accepted into the program, we will confirm with the Affiliate with the Affiliate code and provide any necessary promotional materials to effectively promote OYOapp products and services; 
  • OYOapp will provide necessary support and training to the Affiliate to enable them to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement; 
  • OYOapp will track the customers referred by the Affiliate using the Affiliate Code and calculate the Affiliate Commissions due to the Affiliate; and  
  • OYOapp will pay the Affiliate Commissions to the Affiliate in accordance with the terms set forth. 


3.1 Commission Structure: OYOapp will pay the Affiliate two layers of commission.

  • A monthly payment of “$5” for a video published that receives the average number of views for every month this year “2025”.
  • Another payment of “$5” for each Qualified Sale. 

3.2 Payment Frequency and Timeline: OYOapp will calculate Affiliate Commissions on a monthly basis and will issue payments within 30 days of the end of each calendar month in which the Qualified Sale was finalized. 

3.3 Reporting: OYOapp will provide the Affiliate access to a monthly report detailing the number of Qualified Sales, the calculation of the Affiliate Commission for each of these sales, and any withholdings or deductions made. 

3.4 Taxes: The Affiliate is responsible for any and all taxes associated with the receipt of the Affiliate Commission. 

3.5 Dispute Resolution: In the event of any dispute over the calculation or payment of the Affiliate Commissions, both parties agree to work in good faith to resolve the dispute. All new business owner account cancellations will impact Affiliate Commissions (each case varies).   

3.6 Terms and Conditions Alterations: OYOapp retains the right to alter the terms and conditions of the Affiliate Commission anytime and as OYOapp deems necessary, at its sole discretion. 

3.7 Deductions and Withholdings: OYOapp reserves the right to withhold, deduct or cancel Affiliate Commissions under certain circumstances, including, but not limited to, refunds issued to customers, cancellations of Qualified Sales, or in the event of any breach of this Agreement by the Affiliate. Fraudulent acts will not be tolerated and will be reported to law enforcement.


4.1 Ownership: The Affiliate acknowledges that OYOapp own all rights, title, and interest in the service(s), product(s), and all intellectual property rights therein. Nothing in this Agreement gives the Affiliate any right, title, or interest in the service(s), product(s) or any associated trademarks, except the right to sell OYOapp’s products and or services in accordance with this Agreement. 


5.1 Term: This Agreement shall commence on the date the Affiliate is approved/accepted into the OYOapp Affiliate Program and will continue indefinitely unless and until terminated by either Party. 

5.2 Termination without Cause: Either Party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon providing thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the other Party. Upon termination without cause, the terminating party is under no obligation to provide reasoning for the termination. 

5.3 Termination for Cause: Either Party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice if the other Party: 

  • Breaches any material term or condition of this Agreement;
  • Becomes the subject of a voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, receivership, or similar proceeding, or otherwise ceases to do business; or 
  • Fails to comply with any applicable laws or regulations, which may harm the reputation or business. 

5.4 Effect of Termination: Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason: 

  • The rights granted to the Affiliate under this Agreement will immediately cease; 
  • The Affiliate must promptly discontinue all promotion of OYOapp’s products or services; and 
  • Any fees owed to either Party at the time of termination or expiration will be paid according to the terms of this Agreement, contingent on any cancellations and refunds.

5.5 Survival: The rights and obligations of the Parties set forth in this Agreement which, by its express terms or nature and context is intended to survive termination or expiration of this Agreement, will survive any such termination or expiration. 


6.1 Amendments: This Agreement may be amended, modified, or terminated by OYOapp at any time without reason.  

6.2 Notices: All notices or other communications required or permitted under this Agreement must be in writing. Such notices may be delivered via electronic mail (email), provided that receipt of the communication is confirmed. All communication shall be sent to

6.3 Independent Contractor Relationship: It is understood that the Affiliate is an independent contractor and not an agent, partner, or employee of OYOapp. The Affiliate shall not have any authority to enter into any agreements or obligations on behalf of OYOapp. 

6.4 Non-Exclusivity: The relationship between OYOapp and the Affiliate is non-exclusive. Both Parties are free to enter into similar agreements with other parties unless otherwise specified in this Agreement. 

6.5 No Transfers: The Affiliate may not assign or transfer this Agreement, or delegate its obligations under this Agreement to another party. All parties must go through the application process to be accepted into the program. 

6.6 Dispute Resolution: In the event of any dispute arising out of or related to this Agreement, the Affiliate and OYOapp agree to discuss and negotiate in good faith to resolve the dispute.

6.7 Acknowledgement: All Affiliates upon acceptance into the OYOapp Affiliate Program acknowledge and are bound by the information shred in this agreement.   

6.8 Link to Affiliate Program Application:

                                                                                                                  Affiliate Commissions Structure & Expectations

The Affiliate Commissions Structure outlines the payment expectations that OYOapp will use to compensate the Affiliate for each Qualified Sale.  There are two layers of commission, a monthly post rate and qualified sale commission.

Monthly Post Commission Rate: The Affiliate will receive a commission of $5 for a mention within at least one video published a month “in the year 2025”, as long as the YouTube video reaches the average number of views.    

Qualified Sale Commission Rate: The Affiliate will receive a commission of 25% “$5” of the net sales price for each Qualified Sale when a new business owner account is created. 

Performance Metrics: Performance metrics on videos must be at or above the average number of views typically generated on the Affiliates social media account.   

Minimum Payout Amount: The minimum amount of Affiliate Commissions that must be earned by the Affiliate before a payment is made by the Company is $100. If the Affiliate Commissions earned in a particular month are less than the minimum payout amount, they will be carried over to the next month. 

Affiliate Program Expectations: The Affiliate is expected to generate a minimum of 1 Qualified Sale each month. 

2025, OYOapp